Annita Smit, Freebies
© Annita Smit


On the occasion of the 27th Congress of the International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists (IAPMA e.V.), which is being organised this year by Fides Linien, President of the Association, and is taking place on the premises of the Dresden University of Fine Arts, the Museum of Decorative Arts / Design Campus, in cooperation with IAPMA, is showing the special exhibition "PAPER ALIVE! - Paper Art International" in the Water Palace of Pillnitz Palace.

  • Exhibition Site Schloss Pillnitz, Wasserpalais
  • DATES 15/09/2023—31/10/2023
Opening Hours

Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag, 10-17 Uhr
30.10.—31.10.2023, 10-17 Uhr



In the process, the material paper is brought to new life by 82 artists from all over the world. Paper fulfils a multitude of functions in our world: To the casual observer, paper can be a passive, disposable material – something that can be easily discarded after it has fulfilled its limited or temporary function. For the artist, the longevity of paper is crucial, as it determines the lifespan of an artwork. That is why this year at the IAPMA Congress and at Pillnitz Palace the motto is: PAPER ALIVE!

Priscilla Robinson, Spiced Summer Air
© Priscilla Robinson
Priscilla Robinson, Spiced Summer Air

künstlerisches Medium

In this exhibition, artworks by 82 contemporary artists from 27 countries around the world show that paper is a living, responsive artistic medium. Thus, it defies expectations and transforms into complex two- or three-dimensional entities, artists' books, jewellery, textiles and fashion or installations, environment and performance – an experience for all the senses.

The contemporary artworks exhibited here are in dialogue with works from the collection of the Museum of Decorative Arts, thus revealing timeless connections and inspirations in relation to the medium of paper.


Link Kongress

With Artworks by: Alexandra Deutsch (Germany), Ana Pireva (Bulgaria), Ângela Barbour (Brazil), Angelika Wolpert (Germany), Anita Bell (United Kingdom), Anita Brendgens (The Netherlands), Anke Meixner (Germany), Anna van Bohemen (The Netherlands), Anna Bludau-Hary (Germany), Anne Marble (USA), Anne Vilsbøll (Denmark), Annita Smit (The Netherlands), Canan Topaloglu (The Netherlands), Carolina Larrea (Chile), Catherine Stringer (Australia), Chanyoung Sophie Kim (South Korea), Clare Parry-Jones (United Kingdom), Dagmar Schwald (Germany), Daniela Todorova (Bulgaria), Dizzy Pragnell (United Kingdom), Doreen Stenzel (Germany), Ina Fekken (The Netherlands), Eliana Anghinah (Brazil), Elizabeth Mackie (USA), Elly Prestegård (Norway), Ērika Zutere (Latvia), Eva Maria Juras (Germany), Eva Kipp (The Netherlands), Fenneke Wolters-Sinke (United Kingdom), Fides Linien (Germany), Fred Siegenthaler (Germany), Gabriele Buerger (Germany), Geneviève Rocher (Canada), Gerda Ritzmann (Switzerland), Güneş Evrim Yılmaz (Turkey), Guy Lougashi (Israel), Hana Altaratz (Israel), Heather Matthew (Australia), Heike Berl (Germany), Helene Tschacher (Germany), Helga Adam (Germany), Hongyun He (China), Hülya İz Bölükoğlu (Turkey), Ilka Bauer (Canada), Ilze Dilāne (Latvia), Inci Kansu (Turkey), Irene Rammensee (Germany), Jane Ponsford (United Kingdom), Janet Sifft (Germany), Jennifer Spoon (USA), Jocelyn Châteauvert (USA), Joe Sanders (USA), Judith Staines (United Kingdom), Karen Olson (USA), Kristina Zimbakova (Macedonia), Lori Goodman (USA), Manuela Granziol (Italy), Margit Bu Dominguez (Austria), Maria Matyja-Rozpara (Poland), Marie Schirrmacher-Meitz (Germany), Markéta Dlouhá (Czech Republic), Minnamarina Tammi (USA), Mischa Björkroos (Sweden), Monika Wellnitz (Germany), Petra Poolen (The Netherlands), Petra Grupp (Germany), Pierrette Vergne (France), Priscilla Purcell (Rodrigues) (United Kingdom), Priscilla Robinson (USA), Racheli Joseph (Israel), Ruth Moro (Switzerland), Sandra Freundlinger (Austria), Sarah Grace Dye (Germany), Selfi Gal (USA), Siegrid Müller-Holtz (Germany), Silvia Turbiner (Argentina), Steve Kostell (USA), Tanja Major (Germany), Teddy Milder (USA), The Xsabo Foundation (Uganda), Therese Weber (Switzerland), Toshiko Watanabe (Japan), Unit-NAGI (Japan), Veronica Noriega (Peru), Zaahirah Muthy (Mauritius), Ziya Tarapore (India).

Exhibition jury: Fides Linien (IAPMA President & Congress Convenor), Ângela Barbour (IAPMA Exhibition Coordinator, Curator), Eva Maria Juras (IAPMA Treasurer), Nicole Donnelly (IAPMA Congress Coordinator) Thomas A. Geisler (Director, Museum of Decorative Arts of SKD), Nora Grunwald (Assistant to Director, Special Exhibitions, Museum of Decorative Arts of SKD), Kerstin Stöver (Custodian, Curator Museum of Decorative Arts of SKD)


The IAPMA Congress is an international event attended by representatives from all over the world. There, IAPMA members have the opportunity to share their own knowledge of papermaking and paper arts through lectures, demonstrations, workshops and panel discussions.

More information about the IAPMA Congress

With its financial support of the IAPMA Congress 2023, the congress-related “PAPER ALIVE!” Exhibition and its initiation of Minister Betty Amongi’s visit as Guest of Honour at the function, The Xsabo Foundation aims at furthering cooperation between Uganda, Germany (Saxony) and the wider world community. 


in cooperation with

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[Translate to English:]

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