Dekoration in Form einer goldenen Sonne
© Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Blend3/ Frank Grätz

Fait à Paris. Furniture Creations by Jean-Pierre Latz at the Dresden Court

In the Royal State Apartments of August the Strong at the Residenzschloss (Royal Palace) the collection of Latz furniture shall be presented for the first time in its full extent at the special exhibition of the Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts). This exhibition is the conclusion of the twelve years of comprehensive research and conservation project that the furniture has undergone. The Museum of Decorative Arts holds the largest and most important collection worldwide of magnificent furniture of the renowned Parisian cabinetmaker Jean-Pierre Latz (1691—1754). The collection contains approximately twenty object ensembles, consisting of thirty individual items. They demonstrate with striking effect the magnificence and representation at the Polish-Saxon court of King Augustus III (1696—1763) and of his prime minister, Count von Brühl (1700—1763).

  • DATES 19/10/2024—02/02/2025


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Fait à Paris. Die Kunstmöbel des Jean-Pierre Latz am Dresdner Hof | Residenzschloss Dresden

Einen tiefen Einschnitt

The Second World War and its aftermath deeply affected the furniture collection of the museum when, apart from destruction, it suffered damages caused by evacuation and transportation. For many years, the necessary conservation and restorations could not be achieved because of a lack of resources; the furniture had to be put into storage and thus lapsed into oblivion. That is up until now! For the very first time since their wartime storage, eighty years ago, and after years of careful and thoughtful conservation and restauration, the highly important Dresden Latz collection will be shown in the splendour of the staterooms — the very stage where they once enhanced the representation of the Saxon monarchs.

Der im Kurfürstentum

Born in the Electorate of Cologne, an ecclesiastical principality of the Holy Roman Empire, Jean-Pierre Latz followed in the footsteps of many German cabinetmakers and went to Paris in 1719. Latz´s works are striking for a very distinct individual artistic signature and boast opulent, sculpturally conceived corpus forms, technically superb craftsmanship and great sculptural skill in the fashioning of bronze mounts, as well as consummate marquetry work. These high-quality technical aspects were combined in designs that reflect the exquisite taste of the royal and aristocratic customers and patrons in France and abroad. Impressive, elegant and playful as well, his furniture combines mythological themes from the antiquity with their symbolic connotations of the 18th century: monumental, playful and superb, they impressed with their costly materials. Sought after by the royalty in France and abroad, Latz´s furniture is among others still to be found in the former palaces of Augustus III (King of Poland & Elector of Saxony), Frederick the Great (King of Prussia; 1712—1786) and the presidential Quirinal Palace in Rome — originating from the former royal court in Parma.

Dekoration in Form einer goldenen Sonne
© Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Blend3/ Frank Grätz
Detail des Piedestals/ Jean-Pierre Latz (zugeschrieben), Paris, ca. 1739

Objekte & Einblicke

Seine Arbeiten

Important loans from the formerroyal palaces in Potsdam and from the Palazzo Quirinale in Rom, combined with the splendid collection of Latz furniture of the State Art Collections Dresden, will enable us to present an unprecedented and probably one-time concerted show of outstanding masterpieces by Jean-Pierre Latz. The exhibition will be completed withhighlights from the State Art Collections to throw light on the official representation and demonstration of power at the Saxon Court through the vehicle of French luxury products.

prunkvoll verzierte Uhr
© Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Blend3/Frank Grätz
Pendule auf Piedestal / Jean-Pierre Latz (zugeschrieben); Uhrwerk: Etienne le Noir les fils à Paris, ca. 1740

In der Ausstellung

Old artisanship always brings up fascinating issues for today´s museum public: how many different materials and techniques come together as a unity in Latz´s creations? The exhibition will use computer techniques to show how the furniture as a work of art can be digitally disassembled directly before the visitor´s very eyes, so that all its secrets can be penetrated and understood.

Thronsaal mit Einrichtungen
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Blend3/Frank Grätz
Ansicht des rekonstruierten Audienzgemachs im Dresdner Residenzschloss


Research platform

Research project "Jean-Pierre Latz. Fait à Paris"

Find out more about the scientific project on our research platform.

eine Frau untersucht Details mit dem Mikroskop
© SKD, Foto: Martin Förster


Find out more in the project brochure.

Pendule Ansicht von vorn, Paris, 1739
© SKD, Foto: Elke Estel/Hans-Peter Klut






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