Design meets Baroque

in Schloss Pillnitz

© Klemens Renner
The Kunstgewerbemuseum at Schloss Pillnitz will remain closed in 2025. This is due to preparations for the structural refurbishment of the buildings. You are welcome to visit the exhibitions of the Kunstgewerbemuseum at other locations.


At home in the summer palace of Schloss Pillnitz since 1963/64 and open from May to October, it is the ambition of the Kunstgewerbemuseum to live up to its original aspirations in Dresden in equal measure for public, producers and designers. Organising and displaying the 60,000 objects provides the basis for a discourse on design and enables these issues to be brought closer to the target groups by way of diverse formats.

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Design Campus Summer School 2023 „The School of Phyto-centred Design“

In close dialogue with the special exhibition "Plant Fever", this year the Franco-Italian duo Laura Drouet and Olivier Lacrouts (Studio d-o-t-s) as Heads of School curate the six-week program of the international summer school and invite you to be inspired by the plant world in Pillnitz.

To the Design Campus

Thomas Geisler
© Oliver Killig


The Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden was founded in 1876. Inspired by the first Great Exhibition in London in 1851, museums of the arts & crafts / applied arts sprang up all over Europe with the purpose of providing models for handicraft and industry and fostering the export potential of local consumer goods. Frequently affiliated to schools of arts & crafts, an entirely new type of museum evolved: not a courtly and prestigious collection, but one compiled with the deliberate aim of educating taste and sensibility for quality.  

History of the collection

reich verzierter Schrank auf vier Beinen

From our Online Collection

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